Actor Ashlesha Thakur, who plays a pivotal role in Jawan, has shared several inside pictures from the screening of the film which served as a get-together for the film team. Ashlesha was in a black off-shoulder dress and posed with co-star Shah Rukh Khan as they were twinning in black in one of the pictures. Ashlesha plays Alia Gaikwad, lead antagonist Kaalie’s (Vijay Sethupati) daughter in Jawan and one of the many passengers in the metro hijack scene. Also read: Jawan box office collection day 2
Ashlesha shares inside pics from Jawan screening
Ashlesha also shared pictures with director Atlee at the film screening. Several candid pictures also show her posing with co-stars Sanya Malhotra, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Girija Oak, Aaliyah Qureishi, and Lehar Khan. A group picture also shows casting director Mukesh Chhabra as well, who has played a small role in the film.
Reactions to her post
A fan called the gang of girls “Charlie’s Angels”. One of many similar comments read: “Omg.. you are lucky”. A fan commented, “Proud of you Ashlesha! You did a fantastic job of getting kidnapped again!” Another wrote, “jk ya. phenomenal stuff, that too in front of so many veterans! all the best for ur career we are all rooting for you!” “Hi beautiful apne toh jawan mei Kamal kar Diya @ashleshathaakur,” read yet another comment. A fan also wrote in jest, “40000 crore ready rakhna (keep 40 thousand crore ready).” A person also said, “How does SRK manage to look graceful alongside a teenage girl to his own age to someone older than him like Dimple Kapadia in Pathan?’
Jawan has been doing wonders at the box office as it opened after a record-breaking advance booking and received only good reviews from the critics as well as the audience. It has already crossed ₹100 crore in two days of its release. The film also stars Nayanthara, Sunil Grover, Ridhi Dogra and Eijaz Khan. Sanjay Dutt and Deepika Padukone have cameos in the film.
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