With the world dancing to the beats of Chaleya from Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan, Mumbai cop Amol Kamble, 40, earned a lot of attention on social media after his moves went viral. The post had 657K likes and 10.1K comments till the time of going to press.
The cop, who is known for his viral content, including a reel with actor Ranveer Singh previously, says, “I was not aware that it (Chaleya video) has reached such a huge audience. I just practise my dance and put it on social media. I learn by watching different choreographers and if I like some song, I listen to it repeatedly and then start imagining the dance steps.”
Kamble always had a passion for dancing: “I enjoy dancing and have been doing it for a long time. But I stopped after becoming a cop. Social media raised my interest and I started putting my videos on TikTok and now Instagram. I love the responses that I get and feel content when my videos make others happy.”
Juggling his work and passion, the cop makes sure he takes time out for his dancing videos. “I spend my weekends practising dance and making videos. Even on days when I get free from work a little early, I visit a dance studio and practise. My family supports me and even the [police] department. That said, I never let my work suffer,” he ends.
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