Years after being named in the MeToo movement, actor Nana Patekar has landed into a fresh controversy. A new video of him smacking a fan who tried to take a selfie with him on sets of his film has surfaced online. This hasn’t gone down well with many who took to social media to slam the actor. Also read: Nana Patekar recalls close friend Rishi Kapoor once told him ‘you are an okay actor but amazing chef’
A viral video shows Nana Patekar in a brown blazer and a hat, shooting for his next film Journey, on a street leading to the Dashashwamedh Ghat in Varanasi. It shows that when a boy comes from behind Nana and starts taking a selfie with him, Nana smacks him at the back of his head as soon as he learns what the boy is doing. The crew member standing next to Nana then grabs the boy by the neck and makes him leave the set.
Internet reacts to Nana Patekar’s video
Many on social media slammed the act of slapping a fan. A fan reacted to a video on X (formerly Twitter) in Hindi, “In fact, we the common people have given the status of God to these actors and cricket players in India, so we have to be ready to get slapped and kicked by them.” Another said, “At the end of the 26/11 Mumbai Attack movie, this gentleman was talking as if he is the biggest patriot, but this is the reality of these artistes. Such behavior with common people is unfortunate, our real heroes are at the border, not on the film screen.” One more tweeted, “The man slapping a kid is the ridiculous Nana Patekar. He has gone mad due to the glare of stardom…in olden times, people who used to dance and sing for money to entertain were called scoundrels.”
More about Nana Patekar and his next film
Nana Patekar’s Journey also stars Gadar 2 actor Utkarsh Sharma. As the movie went on floors in Varanasi earlier this month, Utkarsh had said as per ANI, “This script has been in the works for a few years, and it has evolved beautifully. The story is not just close to my heart but also resonates with the essence of every Indian.”
Nana was recently seen in Vivek Agnihotri’s The Vaccine War, in which he played the role of the former director general of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). In 2018, Tanushree Dutta once again accused him of sexual harassment during the shoot of 2009 film Horn ‘Ok’ Pleassss and this led to the beginning of the MeToo movement.
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