Actor Akshay Kumar has the sweetest birthday wish for his daughter Nitara Bhatia who turned 11. As she is about to enter her teenage, the emotional father shares his fond memories. He took to Instagram and shared a small video with Nitara from a beach destination where the father-daughter duo are seen enjoying their time in the ocean. Also read: When Nitara thought mom Twinkle Khanna looked 60 in her 40s
Akshay Kumar on Nitara
Sharing the video, Akshay talked about his daughter growing up. He wrote in the caption, “I’ve never understood why daughters grow up so fast. My little baby who used to hold my hand to take baby steps will soon be a young lady, with the whole world to conquer. I am incredibly proud of you and your creative mind, Nitara.”
The actor further revealed how his daughter is different from other kids and continued, “Other kids want to visit Disneyland, you want to create one. Spread your wings, sunshine… I and your mother will always try to be the wind beneath them. Happy Birthday my princess.”
Twinkle Khanna shares Nitara’s birthday
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar’s wife, author and former actor Twinkle Khanna shared a glimpse of their daughter’s 11th birthday. She posted a small clip where Nitara is seen rock climbing at a place. It was followed by Nitara in the same outfit, sitting in front of a table with her birthday cake. The video faintly showed Nitara cutting her birthday cake.
Sharing the video, Twinkle said, “My funny little monster turns 11. She is everything I wasn’t as a child but tried to become as an adult—fiercely confident. My pocket is slightly empty with all these September birthdays but my heart could not be more full.”
Akshay and Twinkle got married on January 17, 2001. Besides daughter Nitara, they also have a son, Aarav who recently turned 21. On his birthday, earlier this year, Twinkle had posted, “All of 21 and technically a grown man! Raising a child is a bit like building a house and designing each room. You do the best you can, and finally, it’s time to hand over the house to its rightful owner who will rearrange the furniture the way they like and pay the bills as well. Happy birthday my son, and may your unfailing kindness continue bringing a smile to everyone who knows you.”
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