The trailer of actor Ranbir Kapoor‘s upcoming film Animal released on Thursday. Several celebrities, including Ranbir’s wife-actor Alia Bhatt, mother Neetu Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Prabhas, and Soni Razdan among others reacted to the trailer. At the trailer launch event, Ranbir spoke about complex roles and why it is important for a performer to learn the art of switching on and off. (Also Read | Ranbir Kapoor says father Rishi Kapoor was the reference for his Animal role)
Alia, Neetu react to Animal trailer
Taking to Instagram, Alia posted the trailer. She wrote, “Can’t really type a full caption – too busy watching this trailer for the 7000th time. My mind is officially blown. I need to watch this movie. Like now. Animal: setting cinemas on fire from the 1st of December. Brace yourselves.” Neetu Kapoor also shared the video and wrote, “Goosebumps.”
Kareena, Prabhas praise Animal trailer
Taking to her Instagram Stories, Kareena Kapoor said, “There is only one Ranbir Kapoor. And my most favourite @anilskapoor. And congratulations to the entire cast and team. Stellar trailer.” She tagged Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna amd Sandeep Reddy Vanga and wrote, “Congratulations.”
Soni Razdan said, “Ufffff…. Our smashing hero! Everyone is looking fantastic! Eagerly awaiting this one… #ranbirkapoor.” Prabhas wrote on his Instagram Stories, “What a trailer, what a feel, extraordinary…mental…Congratulations and can’t wait for #Animal.”
Ranbir talks about daughter Raha
At the trailer launch event of Animal, the cast, including Ranbir spoke to the media. Ranbir talked about how playing a complex role can take a toll on any actor. He added that it is important for a performer to learn the art of switching on and off. The actor also talked about his daughter Raha Kapoor.
“When I was starting this film, I became a father. Raha was born. So, I was doing all these things on set and coming back home playing with my daughter, it was surreal. When you’re inspired, you work with a lot of ease. We finished shooting in 100 days,” he said as quoted by news agency PTI.
About Animal
Helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Animal also stars Anil Kapoor in the lead role. The 3-minute-32-second trailer, released on Thursday, hinted that Ranbir’s character has turned fierce because of his violent upbringing during his younger age. Ranbir’s character is protective and obsessive about his father’s love. He is seen threatening everybody who comes in the way of his love for his father.
Rashmika Mandanna will be Ranbir’s love interest while Bobby Deol plays the antagonist in the film, who makes a stylish yet menacing appearance in the trailer. Animal is all set to hit the theatres on December 1 and will be released in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam.
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