Priyanka Chopra attended yet another Jonas Brothers’ concert at Dodgers Stadium, but this time she was seen with her brother-in-law Frankie Jonas. While several videos and pictures have surfaced from the night, one has caught everyone’s attention as Priyanka interacted with a few fans. One of them even confessed to being jealous of Priyanka Chopra as the actor married Nick Jonas. Also read: Inside Priyanka Chopra’s ‘bombshell’ appearance at Victoria’s Secret fashion show
Priyanka Chopra reacts to fan who wanted to marry Nick Jonas
A video from the show featured a female fan telling Priyanka, “I wanted to say that I really thought I was going to marry Nick Jonas.” “But I am glad you did, ” added the fan while her words left Priyanka in splits. The actor replied, “I’m glad that I did too.”
Reacting to the video, a fan commented, “Haha but destiny was meant for our girl, Nick found the lost shoe that was for our queen love the fan’s humor and honesty.” “My favorite couple is Nick and Priyanka. Please let them stay happy and married,” added another. One more said, “She was the sweetest.”
Priyanka Chopra and Frankie Jonas
Meanwhile, another video showed Priyanka briefly answering yet another fan’s questions while exiting the venue with her security. Someone asked the Citadel actor, “What perfume do you wear?” She smiled and said, “That’s just how I smell like!” Her answer left everyone giggling. Another video showed Priyanka and Frankie together enjoying the performance. For the night, the actor looked gorgeous in a black cut-out dress.
Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas
Priyanka and Nick tied the knot in Rajasthan in December 2018, after dating for some time. They had a white wedding, followed by a dreamy royal wedding following Hindu rituals. They are blessed with their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas whom they had via surrogacy in January last year. Priyanka is often seen attending Nick’s shows alongside their family members and friends.
Priyanka was last seen in Love Again, a romantic drama, and the Prime Video series Citadel, created by The Russo Brothers. She was earlier filming for her upcoming Heads of State. In Bollywood, she will be seen in Farhan Akhtar’s directorial comeback Jee Le Zaraa, alongside Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
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