Priyanka Chopra and singer-husband Nick Jonas stepped out for a date on Thursday after long time. Since several days, while Nick had been busy performing at back to back Jonas Brothers concerts, Priyanka had been cheering for him from among the audience. They even skipped Parineeti Chopra’s wedding in India due to work. Also read: Why did Priyanka Chopra miss Parineeti Chopra’s wedding? Her mother reveals the reason
On Thursday, Priyanka was spotted in a black outfit paired with matching knee-length boots and an overcoat. She carried a contrasting yellow handbag for the evening and had her hair tied in a ponytail. Nick was in a brown shirt and grey trousers paired with brown shoes and a matching cap. A fanpage of the couple shared their pictures on Instagram.
Fans react to Priyanka and Nick’s pics
Reacting to the pics, a fan wrote, “Awww cuties!! Love seeing these 2 on a date night. They look gorgeous.” Another commented, “Both Nick and Priyanka have been glowing lately and looking more lovely.” One more called them “Adorable and Wonderful Husband and Wife…!!!” A comment also read: “I know it’s weird to miss people you actually don’t know, but boy have I missed them. Especially, with all the divorce stuff, it’s nice to see them.”
Priyanka skipped Parineeti’s wedding
Priyanka and Nick couldn’t fly to Udaipur for her cousin Parineeti Chopra’s wedding. She was however, first to comment on her wedding pictures on Instagram and also shared a separate post for the couple on her own page. Sharing Parineeti and Raghav Chadha’s wedding pictures, Priyanka wrote on Instagram, “Picture perfect.. sending so much love to the newly weds on their special day! Welcome to the Chopra family @raghavchadha88 … hope you’re ready to dive into the crazy with us. Tisha you are the most beautiful bride ever.. we’re sending you and Raghav all the love and blessings for a lifetime of happiness. Take care of each other and protect this beautiful love. Love you little one. @parineetichopra.”
Her mom Dr Madhu Chopra was asked about the couple’s absence at the Maharana Pratap airport in Udaipur post the wedding. Talking about their absence, Madhu told reporters, “Wo kaam kar rahe hain (they are at work).”
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