Actor, politician Ravi Kishan recently opened up about his struggle in the industry and shared how his contemporaries like Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar had the same determination towards their craft. Talking about Shah Rukh Khan, he told Siddharth Kannan that once, the actor arrived for a shoot despite being down with a 103-degree fever. This happened on the sets of Army where Shah Rukh was seen in a supporting role. Also read: Anupam Kher is proud of Ravi Kishan’s daughter Ishita Shukla who is set to join army, pens note for her
Ravi Kishan on Shah Rukh Khan during Army shoot
Ravi said in Hindi “We were shooting the climax song of Army at Mehboob Studio. Shah Rukh had a 103 fever, and even with that fever, he came and sat on the set. He didn’t even have a big role in the film. It was a cameo role. Still, he watched the shoot with full commitment. His eyes had that attitude of do or die.”
Ravi Kishan on Akshay Kumar and his determination
He went on and added that Akshay too has the same determination when it comes to work. Ravi said, “Both of them do not want to die as unknowns. (They think) I have come to the earth for some reason and have been blessed with so much talent. So, when I die, the country will know, the world will know.” He also said that he too tries to follow the same.
Army starred Sridevi, Shah Rukh Khan, Danny Denzongpa, Mohnish Behl, Ronit Roy and Ravi Kishan. Ravi Kishan and Akshay Kumar have worked together in many films including Zakhmi Dil, Keemat, Aan and Phir Hera Pheri. Once again they will be sharing the screen in their upcoming film Mission Raniganj.
Starring Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra, the film is based on a coalfield mine collapse in 1989 in West Bengal’s Raniganj area. It will release in theatres on October 6.
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