Virat Kohli took to social media to share a special disclaimer for everyone ahead of the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup. He “humbly” requested his friends not to ask him for tickets “at all through the tournament.” Expectedly, screenshots of his Instagram story started resurfacing on other social media platforms as people reshared them using varied captions. Swiggy too jumped on the bandwagon and shared Kohli’s story, but with a twist.
“As we approach the World Cup, I would humbly like to let all my friends know to not request me for tickets at all through the tournament. Enjoy from your homes pls,” Virat Kohli wrote in his Instagram stories.
Swiggy reposted the picture with a slight change. They replaced the word “ticket” with “rama ke chole bhature.” The food delivery company’s twist references the cricketer’s love for the dish.
Take a look at the post shared by Swiggy:
The post was shared a few hours ago. Since then, the share has accumulated more than 1.2 lakh views, and the numbers are only increasing. The tweet has also received more than 1,400 likes. People posted varied comments while reacting to Swiggy’s post.
Check out what people are saying about this post here:
“Rama ke chhole bhature garma garam,” posted an X user. “Swiggy and their post,” shared another along with a laughing out loud emoticon. Some, however, weren’t impressed with the tweet. Just like this individual who added, “This is cringe! Kuchh world Cup-related hota to bhi baat thi.” Another wrote, “Overused meme.”
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