On Sunday, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh met Shah Rukh Khan’s kids–daughter Suhana Khan and son AbRam Khan–during the India vs Australia World Cup 2023 final match. India played the WC final at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. Now, a video from the match, of Deepika and Ranveer greeting AbRam and Suhana with kisses, is doing the rounds on social media. Also read: Shah Rukh Khan cheers team India after World Cup loss, Ranveer Singh says ‘we’re all gutted’
Deepika, Ranveer meet AbRam, Suhana, Shah Rukh
Sharing it, a fan page wrote on Instagram, “They are like family (crying emoji).” The clip saw Deepika Padukone and Ranveer with her sister Anisha Padukone in the gallery. Next, the couple spots AbRam and Suhana Khan joining them followed by Shah Rukh and family. Seeing AbRam, Ranveer kisses his forehead, before greeting Suhana and giving her a kiss.
Deepika had a big smile on her face as she gave AbRam Khan kisses on his either cheeks, before she turned to Suhana too. Ranveer was also seen walking up to Shah Rukh and hugging him as they all met. Gauri Khan and Aryan Khan were also seen with them at the match.
A video of Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika hugging each other at the match is also being widely shared on fan pages. The actors were seen together in two films this year, first the spy film Pathaan and more recently in Jawan. On Monday, videos of the celebs arriving back at Mumbai airport were also shared on paparazzi and fan pages.
Shah Rukh’s message for Team India
After Team India lost the World Cup, Shah Rukh wrote a heartfelt message for the men in blue to lift their spirits. Thanking Team India for their performance throughout World Cup 2023, the actor wrote on X, “The way the Indian team has played this whole tournament is a matter of honour and they showed great spirit and tenacity. It’s a sport and there are always a bad day or two. Unfortunately it happened today…. but thank you Team India for making us so proud of our sporting legacy in cricket…you bring too much cheer to the whole of India. Love and respect. You make us one proud nation.”
On Sunday, Ranveer, who attended the World Cup final with Deepika as well as her father, legendary badminton player Prakash Padukone, and sister Anisha, wrote on Instagram Stories, “Some highs, some lows. Some good days, some bad days. Some wins, some losses. That’s sport. That’s life. We are all gutted, but let’s applaud our boys for giving it their all.”
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