Actors Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan tried their best not to let anything controversial slip on Karan Johar’s couch on Thursday’s episode of Koffee With Karan but the host dropped a bombshell. Karan revealed that while they now share a good bond, initially Sidharth and Varun did not want Alia Bhatt to star in Student of the Year with them. (Also read: Karan Johar reveals how he got hints about Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s relationship: ‘This is going to happen’)
He talked about it even as Sidharth and Varun Dhawan were visibly uncomfortable at this coming out. “I still remember with Alia, the first time that she walked in, how both of you sent me messages saying you can’t cast her. One of you said she is too young. I am saying it started like this but when we shot with her, three months post that for a photo shoot, I remember she stood quiet and didn’t look at either of you. Either she was conscious or shy because you all already knew me. She didn’t know me at all. We did the photo shoot, and right after that, I mean, I knew at the first shot,” Karan said.
Karan also mentioned that Varun would show him pictures of other actors that he could cast instead of Alia. Thankfully, he did not listen to Varun and stuck with his decision. While SOTY did not receive much acclaim and is considered one of Karan’s least impressive works, it did launch Alia, Varun and Sidharth to stardom. Alia and Varun worked together in movies like Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya and Kalank. Sidharth and Alia dated in real life for a while too. She is now married to Ranbir Kapoor and he to Kiara Advani.
Alia also shared a message for her SOTY co-stars on Koffee With Karan. She shared some lesser known facts about them–how Varun can be intentionally funny and Sidharth has a great singing voice.
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