Actor Ridhi Dogra has shared a post as she gave a peek at how she got ready for her role in Jawan. Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Ridhi also posted a long note and talked about Shah Rukh Khan, Jawan, and Atlee. Ridhi also talked about how she ‘was on an emotional roller coaster’ while shooting for the film. (Also Read | Jawan box office collection day 2: Shah Rukh Khan’s film enters ₹100 crore club in India, mints ₹53 cr)
Ridhi pens long note
She captioned the post, “#longpostwarning ‘this film is a blockbuster!’ Is what I said every time I was on the sets of Jawan. You all are celebrating the film as a festival which makes me want to celebrate too with this loooong post. #towhomsoeveritmayconcern. I’m grateful beyond words for everyone acknowledging my bit in the film. It gives courage to an artist to keep taking risks and I thank you for that deeply.”
Ridhi recalls questioning herself
“I am a feeling’s person. And I was feeling a lot. As a person. As an actor. As a fan. All jumbled up. As an actor, I thought ‘Wow, it’s an Atlee film and I’m playing Old and that too to Shah Rukh! Am I mad?!’ And I decided to do it. For the kick of it. To get uncomfortable. To stay Mad. In between schedules for Asur/Badtameez Dil/Pitchers/Lakadbagha – Conducive spaces for me to showcase my characters comfortably… Jawan was a Test and a golden opportunity,” she also wrote.
Ridhi lauds Shah Rukh
Ridhi continued, “As a person, I was on an emotional roller coaster and a mess to say the least. Being mostly alone during shoots didn’t help. But as a student of cinema, it was a dream come true. I got to observe and Learn and Soak it all in. Every time I was on set I was Like a kid in a candy story. In Cinema History !!! Nowhere else I’d rather be. Lastly, As a Fan! Well. I was speechless or dumbfounded. And the old age prosthetics didn’t help my swag at all. But to see Shah Rukh on set. His dedication. His patience. His focus. His commitment to the larger picture was just such a privilege.”
Ridhi praises Jawan’s team
“I know I got a lifelong answer to ‘who’s your favourite costar’ !!! The entire crew and all the teams have so passionately and selflessly worked on it. I can’t begin the tales of it. But your tales of celebration is what they worked for and they must be smiling away now. It was insane lots of hard work and years of commitment. Your joy is our joy. Thank you. Here’s to the Magic of Cinema. Here’s to @atlee47 Here’s to @iamsrk & Here’s to All of you. P.S. No phones were allowed on set,” concluded her note.
About Jawan
Ridhi essays the role of Kaveri, jailer and Shah Rukh’s adopted mother in the film. Helmed by Atlee, Jawan stars Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in lead roles. The film also has cameo roles by Deepika Padukone and Sanjay Dutt. The film also stars Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Girija Oak, Lehar Khan, and Aaliyah Qureishi.
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